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Make Great Again

Some Comic Lebanese Phrases
1- Mekhed maw2af = he took a parking spot
2- Roo7 balet el ba7er = go tile the ocean
3- Ensa el bansa = forget the pliers
4- Re7na slata = we went salad
5- Ma ta3tee wej = don't give him face
6- Shu fee, ma fee = what's going on, not going on
7- 3omrak ma terja3 = for your entire age, don't come back
8- La tizi = to my butt
9- To2borny = bury me
10- 3ala rase = on my head
11- Bayed tanajer = you are making these pots white
12- 3ayesh bl khasse = you are living in a lettuce
12- 3am nto2 7anak = we are cracking jaws
14- Mat5aleehon yekloolek rasek = don't let them eat your head
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